Mathew Rotenberg a.k.a M O K is a New York City based music producer who was born and raised in Minneapolis, MN and currently resides in Manhattan, NYC.
About his inspiration he says “I’m a lifelong music fan, and this is my debut album”.
The brand new album from M O K who has been composing, arranging and producing since 2017 is entitled ‘Kids Table’.
When M O K is not working hard in the studio producing hits he says “I enjoy riding my bike along the west side highway, Edamame and my side hustle as an m&a attorney”.
M O K speaks about his inspiration and goals saying “My goal is to surprise, ease and uplift through inspired electro jams. I feel blessed to have found this passion and the incredible tools that allow me to create and share”.
M O K’s song ‘Midnight Toker’ was inspired on the subway, after a long day, relaxing in observation M O K said “ I felt a rush of excitement emerging while thinking about possibilities of the night”.