Within the grandiose of human disconnect
Within the grandiose of human disconnect in the era of social media there is a tiny glimpse of hope left for humanity…that little hope can be found within this work of art, communication, expressionism, and introspect. Trent and Atticus bring out the darkest side of humanity and puts it in the light for all to see, feel and think about. Within the dark age of human disconnect this work brings and expressed fear, sadness, isolation, tension…a mirror reflection of society and the human psyche at the moment. Art itself is a healing tool for communication, community, connection…it goes way beyond a soundtrack. There is so much soul searching within these 2 people’s work, lives. If we were to understand and heal from within, be at a higher frequency of consciousness…this music can change lives. There are so many layers of emotion to peel back, so many different layers of dimensional perspective within this music it can be dissected and looked at from so many different views. These 2 are unstoppable. Get this album now !